Getting Started

Setup Multi Factor Authentication
When you first activate your Smart Society account, you have to create a password. However, when you log in, the system will require you to also use a secon...
Mon, 29 Apr, 2024 at 1:50 PM
Switch to Multi Factor Authentication - Push Notifications
If you already have a Smart Society account and want to switch your MFA method to Push Notifications, then please follow the steps below. Switch MFA met...
Tue, 14 May, 2024 at 11:26 AM
Switch to Multi Factor Authentication - One Time Password
If you already have a Smart Society account and want to switch your MFA method to One-time password via your mobile device, then please follow the steps ...
Tue, 14 May, 2024 at 11:28 AM
Administrator roles in Smart Society
In the Smart Society Account Portal, customer organisations can, to a large extend, manage their own organisation and user details. These details are used f...
Tue, 14 Feb, 2023 at 3:49 PM